Definition of Anthropology

Anthropology is a branch of sociology. It always describe human, human behavior and human societies around the world. It is a comparative science that examines all societies. The term anthropology comes from Latin world ‘anthrop’ means man or human  and ‘logos’ means science or study. So the term anthropology means scientific study of man or human beings.

Definition of Anthropology

Anthropologists have defined anthropology in many ways. Some of them are given below.

“Anthropology the study of human kind everywhere, throughout time , seeks to produce useful generations about people and their behavior and to arrive at the fullest possible understanding of human diversity.” (Havilland, W. A. 1975)

“Anthropology is the study of people and all the things they do, think, say and make.” (Gwynne, H. 1994)

“Anthropology is the study of human beings, divided into the branches of biologically oriented, physical anthropology and social oriented, social anthropology” (Jary and Jary, 2005)

Characteristics of Anthropology: 

  • Study of human beings.
  • Scientific process.
  • Explain human diversity,
  • Tendency to make generalization.

Finally, we can say that anthropology describe the distinctive feature of different culture ,organization, fundamental similarity among human being around the world